We had tons of fun meeting all kinds of different people, lost of characters…and possible clients. Looking forward to the St. Patrick's Day parade!
![]() October 31, 2013 C.A.T. Team members Luke, Candy and Mary along with Zachary Nickens and Scott Bennings marched in the 4th Annual Las Vegas Halloween Parade. With an estimated 32,000 people in attendance, C.A.T. got a lot of exposure as we walked behind the truck with the dancers. Our banner was right out front of the crowd. As shown in the photo, the Michael Jackson Zombie helped C.A.T. attract the attention of photographers helping us to make an appearance in the Review Journals posting on Nov. 1st. We had tons of fun meeting all kinds of different people, lost of characters…and possible clients. Looking forward to the St. Patrick's Day parade!
![]() Case # A month ago Sharon had a FACE OFF event in her salon, Another Wild Hair, and invited Jessica and I (Mary) to guest judge the event. We arrived early to help set up tables and decorate. I heard my name called and thought Sharon needed my help. She looked at me in surprise when I turned and looked at her. Shaking her head, she said she had heard my name and was looking to see if someone needed help. Her daughter Raevin was on a ladder and later told Sharon that she had seen both of us looking at one another. Jessica stated that she had heard my name being called. With no one else in the area we all thought it strange, laughed it off and went on about our task. Last week Sharon started thinking about it. With this happening at the salon and having activity in her home, she invited the group to investigate the salon. During the event, we had presented Sharon to be an honorary member of our team, so this would be her first official investigation with the team. Candy and I met Sharon at the salon. The last client walked out the door and Sharon followed her stylist out to make sure she made it safely to her car. Candy started out by doing a sweep of the building with the EMF meter to see if she could pick up any signals. The meter never once went off the the building. However, when she and I walked into the area the girls use as an office we both felt a heavy energy. Sharon walked in and locked the door. We asked her what had happened there and she asked why. We told her that there was a strange heaviness in our chest and it was hard to breath. She smiled and told us the story of the previous owner who had actually passed away from a heart attack right there in that area. We moved on to do EVP sessions throughout the building. We kept hearing a shuffling noise as if someone were dragging their feet as they walked. Clicking and tapping noises sounded throughout. We debunked one areas noises due to a clock ticking but we could not explain some of the other sounds that happened throughout the investigation. We kept seeing shadows and orbs shooting here and there. I felt someone touch my hair at the same time Candy commented that an orb just shot straight at my head. She actually saw my hair move. Unfortunately this did not show up on camera because of the angles we were filming. When we walked around to the stylist area Candy kept hearing a male voice while Sharon heard a female voice whispering close to their ears. Now the had to see to believe part of the investigation was in the back area next to the washing stations. I was standing there and asked Candy if she could see anything in front of me on the camera. I had a major cold sensation sweep through my body. Candy and Sharon both had cameras and were comparing screen shots, gasping at what they were seeing. There was a black mist across the front of me. It felt as if it was surrounding me. They were excited but anxious at the same time, asking if I was okay. I told them yes, but I could not move. Sharon's camera suddenly went dark then came back on and I was starting to feel as if whatever was in front of me was trying to go through me. I commanded that it stop, it was not allowed to do this. Candy and Sharon were both amazed at seeing the mist actually move away from me and disappear. I actually felt it leaving me. Standing there for a few minutes, I felt something touch my butt and we moved away from the area. I had to actually sit down or fall dow I felt so drained. My energy was gone and I felt an overwhelming urge to cry. Candy said I looked so sad. I felt sad and couldn't stop my eyes from tearing up. I remained seated for a bit while Candy and Sharon continued to investigate. I was sitting in the chair and saw the outline of three entities floating in the area where Sharon was standing. She was asking questions and recording the session. We will be reviewing this evidence over the next couple of days and posting our findings. This was the first time any of us in the group had seen or felt activity such as this. We were excited to see what we had caught on camera and tried to go through it but the cameras would not allow the film to rewind. We sat and talked for a while about our findings and then we parted and went home. Upon arriving at home I tried once more to see if the camera would rewind so I could see what was caught and it worked! I went straight to that part of the recording. You can hear their reactions of what they were seeing through the view finder and see me standing there, but the black mist did not show up on film. Very disappointing that we didn't get that evidence, but it was a crazy, exciting experience. We are all ready to go again! We will be reviewing this evidence over the next couple of days and posting our findings, so check back and see what we found. Investigators: Candy, Sharon and Mary ![]() EVENT Our team made an appearance on October 19, 2013 at the Green Valley Library located at 2792 N. Green Valley Parkway, Henderson, NV. The Silver State Ghost Hunters presented "Ghosts Around Us " and asked us to be guest speakers. Following three other groups, we were the final team to speak with group of people who had all kinds of questions about paranormal activities and stories of their own to tell. It was a very nice meet and greet. We are looking forward to doing more events such as this. ![]() Case # We walked into the old showroom and immediately started getting activity spikes on the emf meter. Spikes continued all the way down the hall to the stage. Mary felt someone had a heart attack at one of the tables, meter spiked in the spot where she pointed. She felt a man was stabbed in a booth, meter spiked in that spot also. Candy went into the office on top where they also do the spotlight. As Candy stood next to the spotlight she heard whispers in her ear, no one was in there. She stood next to the chair, heard, felt, saw a shadow of a man in the corner of her eye- no one there. Everyone went in. Meter spiking all over. Mary and Candy each had a horrible feeling about the exit stairwell. Mary said, many hurt/wronged women left through this stairwell- explains why it bothered women especially. She went to the desk and felt the man there in the past was the one who wronged them. Later, Mary and Candy went back into the showroom. Mary kept staring through the window where the spotlight was where Candy was standing prior. She pointed and told Candy to look. There was a black shadow in the shape of a man standing next to the spotlight. We both called it with witnesses all around. He vanished after about 20 seconds- a good while. Mary and Candy took a breather, then continued the investigation. Mary then stood by the sound board to try to envision a suicide that the manager told us had taken place years ago. She had a vision that the man was pushed out of the window by the bad man and called it a suicide. Candy walked up and got spikes in those spots. As we were standing there, a noise caused us all to turn around and investigate in the sound booth because none of us had made the sound. We could not explain the noise. Investigators- Mary and Candy Producer- Brad Hartmaier Night Vision- Patrick Bast Showroom Mgr.- Tony ![]() Case # I went to a comedy club one night and as soon as everyone cleared out I started to shiver. I was freezing. I pulled out my emf and the thing went haywire. I told the comics there the place was extremely haunted and right away they started telling me story after story about all the strange things that happen to them when they're alone in there- closet door shutting them in, things disappearing, cold spots, shadows... I asked them if we could do an investigation and they were happy to let us. Jess, Mary, and I went to investigate about a week later. Brad filmed it. The place was loaded with activity. We saw orbs around the room, found a presence at the entrance of the stage- Jess saw it and I got it on my meter-, saw a shadow of a man in the backroom- Place is definitely haunted. Then, we noticed someone had drawn a pentagram in the backroom. We told them someone needs to remove it asap. That could be the cause of all the activity. We packed it up after that. We will be doing a follow up soon, once the pentagram has been removed. Investigators- Mary, Jess, and Candy. Producer- Brad Hartmaier. Vegas Comedian- Rich Natole ![]() |
May 2016