A sudden sense of sadness took over me, like someone died and left me suicidal. I checked to make sure it wasn’t my family and friends in Vegas immediately (felt it was in Vegas)- all ok. I called my Mom, she woke up with the same feeling. She came to pick me up to go for a ride- couldn’t shake the feeling. We took a detour and came upon an abandoned house. I asked her to stop, I needed to go inside. As I began taking photos, doing evp sessions, etc… she began talking to the neighbor. This house was once a happy home- Father (pilot), Mother and kids. The kids grew up and left, the wife died, and the lonely man drank himself to death surrounded by pictures of his wife. The house became abandoned after his death. I caught a photo of an apparition in the living room. The apparition in the photo is the pilot. My unshakable feeling is gone, except for the sadness of this story. I’m left with a feeling of relief for giving this man closure and amazement at how a person passed can beckon the living into a place they’ve never been to before miles away to receive that closure. I refer to this investigation as "The Pilot" because of a photo I took. See photo.
Investigators- Candy and Cynthia
A sudden sense of sadness took over me, like someone died and left me suicidal. I checked to make sure it wasn’t my family and friends in Vegas immediately (felt it was in Vegas)- all ok. I called my Mom, she woke up with the same feeling. She came to pick me up to go for a ride- couldn’t shake the feeling. We took a detour and came upon an abandoned house. I asked her to stop, I needed to go inside. As I began taking photos, doing evp sessions, etc… she began talking to the neighbor. This house was once a happy home- Father (pilot), Mother and kids. The kids grew up and left, the wife died, and the lonely man drank himself to death surrounded by pictures of his wife. The house became abandoned after his death. I caught a photo of an apparition in the living room. The apparition in the photo is the pilot. My unshakable feeling is gone, except for the sadness of this story. I’m left with a feeling of relief for giving this man closure and amazement at how a person passed can beckon the living into a place they’ve never been to before miles away to receive that closure. I refer to this investigation as "The Pilot" because of a photo I took. See photo.
Investigators- Candy and Cynthia