The other night, Mary and I were just killing time, shooting the breeze, talking about our experiences growing up. As we were talking, I started feeling like I wasn't in my body, but I didn't say anything. As this happened, she looked at me and said, "Ok, you're face just changed for about a second. You looked about 80 years old for a second." I looked at her like,"What?!" (haha) She said, "Seriously, for about a second, you looked 80. Did your grandmother wear her hair straight back and look like you,etc...?" I said, " You just described my Great Grandmother, Emma Francis Haley Lemmon- the one who was related to Robert E. Lee and who's cousin was the one who discovered Haley's Comet-whom I posted about the other day." She said,"Ok, well, she just took over for a sec and showed herself to me. She wants us to know she's here." I was like, "Wow, ok." Took awhile to process, then continued talking. Then, as Mary was talking later, I said, "Whoa, your face just changed for a second. It was your Mother. It's as though she super-imposed her face over yours for a sec. Did your Mom have bad eyesight?" She said,"Yes and my vision blurred before you said that. It was her and now I see her over there next to you." Again, we were both like, wow. Laughed a little in a kind of freaked out way and took awhile to process. As psychics/intuitives, our lives have always been strange. But, spending time together, it's even stranger. When things happen to you alone, you don't get to see the full spectrum of what is happening. It takes being with another of your kind to see all of it. I'm so glad we met...and I know we were supposed to meet. Our meeting is a gift from beyond, given in the middle of a long, hard road, to help us and others along the rest of the way. Glad we met, Kiddo.
May 2016